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时间:2024-06-27 10:31:44作者:月兮阅读:


魔兽世界9.0新增飞行坐骑 角马类变为飞行坐骑


  1、清醒的梦魇— 地面 飞行坐骑。骑着这头坐骑,你的思想经常神游到遥远的地方。来源:掉落:解谜者的愿望。

  Lucid Nightmare - Ground Flying Mount. Lucid Nightmare. "When riding this  mount, your thoughts often wander to far-off places." Source: Drop: Puzzler's  Desire

    2、占位符 角马— 地面 飞行坐骑。占位符 角马。来源:占位符。

  PH Horned Horse - Ground Flying Mount. PH Horned Horse. "PH" Source: PH

    3、占位符 角马— 地面 飞行坐骑。占位符 角马。来源:占位符。

  PH Horned Horse - Ground Flying Mount. PH Horned Horse. "PH" Source: PH

    4、声威蔚蓝骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级70级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Azure Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Azure Courser.  "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the steeds of  Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level 70 Category:  Honor

    5、声威血铸骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“这匹战马是梦魇和虚梦的产物,以炽热的仇恨铸就,它以你敌人泪水浇灌的粮草为食。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级500级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Bloodforged Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious  Bloodforged Courser. "Forged in a fiery hatred, the offspring of a nightmare and  a dream, this steed feeds on grains grown with the tears of your enemies."  Source: Achievement: Honor Level 500 Category: Honor

    6、声威青铜骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级15级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Bronze Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Bronze  Courser. "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the  steeds of Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level 15  Category: Honor

    7、声威森林骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级125级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Forest Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Forest  Courser. "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the  steeds of Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level  125 Category: Honor

  8、声威牙白骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级40级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Ivory Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Ivory Courser.  "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the steeds of  Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level 40 Category:  Honor

    9、声威午夜骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级250级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Midnight Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Midnight  Courser. "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the  steeds of Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level  250 Category: Honor

    10、声威皇室骏马— 地面 飞行坐骑。“破碎群岛最英勇的战马之一,无论是野性还是力量在艾泽拉斯都无可匹敌。”来源:成就:PvP:荣誉等级150级  分类:荣誉

  Prestigious Royal Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Prestigious Royal Courser.  "One of the bold equines of the Broken Isles, unmatched among the steeds of  Azeroth in ferocity and strength." Source: Achievement: Honor Level 150  Category: Honor

    11、纯心骏马— 地面  飞行坐骑。纯心骏马。“多年来大家一直都知道这种骏马的存在,但是它们只会向花费了巨大努力追求友谊的人伸出橄榄枝。”来源:成就:100个声望崇拜

  Pureheart Courser - Ground Flying Mount. Pureheart Courser. "These coursers  have long been known to exist, but only befriend those that have gone to great  lengths for friendship." Source: Achievement: 100 Exalted Reputations Category:  Reputation

   12、野生梦境角马- 地面  飞行坐骑。野生梦境角马。野生梦境角马。“梦境角马能自由地在这个世界和翡翠梦境间穿梭,释放它们自由的天性。”来源:掉落:织梦者宝箱

  Wild Dreamrunner - Ground Flying Mount. Wild Dreamrunner. "Dreamrunners  flit between this world and the Emerald Dream at will, reveling in their wild  nature." Source: Drop: Dreamweaver Cache





